King Ram Shah (Reign: approx. 1671-1693 B.S. = 1614-1636 A.D.)
The untimely demise of King Chhatra Shah and without an heir apparent, his younger brother Ram Shah ascended the throne. King Ram Shah, grand son of King Deabya Shah, the founder King of Gorkha state was much popular for the management of weights, measurements and formulating rules. The rules ranged from general household to government administration. It was obligatory thet no one should stake or claim interest rate of more than 10 percent in cash and 20 percent in food grains. Besides, the lender would be punished for claiming or collecting more than that the double amount in cash, credits and treble in that of food grains when the sum capital and interest would exceed proportionately with lapse in time. Rules against cutting down of roadside trees causing deforestation, the obligations towards the awareness of the roadside trees providing shade, a forestation which checks the landslides and would be catalytic to transpiring spring water. Knowing that the people faces difficulties due to indefinite and uncertain measurement systems, he defined and systematized standard weight, balance, measurement and because of the obligations which were introduced in time and favourable his publicity soared all over. Likewise, he also enforced many rules to reform the judicial administration. Those laws and administration systems were so justified and popular in those days that the words ‘Justice’ and ‘Gorkha’ became synonymous. “Nyaya Napaya Gorkha Janu” - the proverb meaning - go to Gorkha for proper justice if you are denied or unfairly treated which were originated during his reign.

King Ram Shah used to settled lawsuites in ‘Panche Chautara’ the platform under a tree west of Gorkha Palace. This was also called Ram Shah Platform and because the place symbolising justice and popular as ‘Dharma Chautara’ - meaning the platform of virtue. It is still evident from the inscriptions and books which proves there were several scholars under his patronage.

The bautification of the pond Pojhari Thok situated at the foot of Gorkha Palace, establishment ot temples deities and timely reforms of the state affairs, King Ram Shah is still honoured and esteemed in the history of Nepal.
> King Dambar Shah